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Families with Disabilities win vital legal rights May 22, 2007

Posted by edukfun in add, add parents, adhd, aspergers, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, attention training, challenged, children, education, legal, parents, school.
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Here is just one more way that the government intentionally creates barriers for regular people.  To me, the classic example is prescription medications.  Without paying a fee of $50-$250 to a Doctor, people are denied required medications which then cost an additional $4 (thank you Wal-Mart) to $400.  To me, that is a problem–an artificial barrier to health care.

Likewise, the government played the two-step shuffle with special needs education: sure, you have the right to an appropriate education, but we will decide what is appropriate, and if you don’t agree, then you must pay thousands of dollars to an attorney to make it change.

Well not anymore!

Families who need to sue their school district for failing to deliver the education their disabled child needs are no longer required to retain an attorney to do so.


Commence victory dance!

-Allen Dobkin